Spirit of Encouragement of Good Deeds
安乐舒适生活,就要努力耕耘, 才为勤勉
共同和谐生活,就要互相尊敬, 才为礼貌
互相互爱的社会, 就要互相关怀, 才为仁爱
下一步: 请选择 ”社会永恒安宁化“
报答父母养育之恩, 就要造福人群, 才为孝顺
继承祖先血汗之劳, 就要效忠国家, 才为忠心
获得人群真诚爱戴,就要提高尊严, 才为诚实
Spirit of “Encouragement of Good Deeds
► To acquire social everlasting peace, uphold MORALITY
► To repay parental love and care, serve humanity and thus acquire PIETY
► To receive the result of ancestors’ toil, be loyal to country and thus acquire LOYALTY
► To obtain sincere love and respect .elevate dignity and thus acquire HONESTY
► To have peace and comfort, work earnestly and thus acquire DILIGENCE
► To live together in harmony, respect one another and thus acquire COURTESY
► To construct a caring society, build mutual concern and thus acquire BENEVOLENCE
► To enjoy a healthy and happy life, promote Social Responsibiliy MOVEMENT